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The Nature of Night

18 Mar

I think that Mr. Wiesel’s memoir is very inspiring and has many good benefits for the reader. His book is very blunt in the way which he describes his experience. This quality is what separates this book from all of the others that we have read this year. I like the way that Mr. Wiesel wrote the novel because it really does a great job of describing the events that happened in his life. The way that he tells the story helps the reader learn what really happened during that period of time because many people have a misconception of the holocaust. The book Night also puts an emphasis on bravery and courage and thats what I like most about this novel.

Trying to find the Right Words

15 Mar

I found two brief phrases that help describe the unimaginable in the book Night by Elie Wiesel. The phrases are “I was nothing but ashes now” (68) and “veritable hell” (70). I feel that these phrases express the unimaginable because they are good metaphors. He says that the experience is so bad that it made him feel like nothing, like ashes, and he says that the concentration camp where he was located was a literal hell. He uses to well-thought phrases to describe the unimaginable. The two sentences that I found are “My head was spinning: you are too skinny… you are too weak… you are too skinny, you are good for the ovens…” (72) and “Some ten thousand men had come to participate in a solemn service, including the Blockälteste, the Kapos, all bureaucrats in the service of Death” (67). The best way to describe the unimaginable is to not sugarcoat it. You need to be descriptive and you have to get your point across to best describe it. Mr. Wiesel does a great job of this and he also does a great job of embracing his past and not trying to hide from it.

What I Have Learned

19 Oct

I have learned many things in English so far this year. I have learned many new vocabulary words by working on the exercises in the vocabulary workbook. Not only has my vocabulary improved but my writing have been much improved by learning the new vocabulary. Also I have not just simply memorized the words, I have learned to comprehend and apply the words by taking assessments that really make me think about the meaning of the words. The assessments are tough but they really help me understand the vocabulary words. All of the writing assignments in class have helped me improve my grammar and my ability to write better overall. After completing my first writing assignment, Mr. Brown realized that I had trouble using commas. He has helped me to understand the placement of my commas and now I feel like I better understand commas and where they should be placed. I now know how crucial it is to have a well-written introduction because that is what will catch the reader’s eye and pull them into the story. Being able to do that has helped me produce very strong short stories (in my opinion). I have learned how to properly write an 11-sentence paragraph. This has helped me be able to forge connections between themes of stories and characters in stories. I have read many intriguing short stories in this class. I have really enjoyed reading them and writing about them in class. My favorite story to write about so far was War by Pirandello. I cannot wait to learn even more as the year progresses.

The meaning and message of “The Story of Rosendo Juàrez” by Borges

28 Sep

In the story, the main message that the reader perceives is that if you do not like who you are then you can change and shape yourself into a different person. Rosendo was involved in many knife fights and he did not like to see himself as a person who tries to pick fights with random people. Throughout the story Rosendo discovers more and more that he needs to change and he does this by moving to Uruguay to get out of his previous life and trying to change himself.

Story Paragraph

14 Sep

I think all of the stories are really good but I want to read The Story from Rosendo Juárez because it is a lot faster paced and a lot more exciting. The other two stories are exciting but they take a while to get into the action. The Story from Rosendo Juárez is a mystery and that is my favorite genre to read. Mysteries have a lot of suspense and that’s what I really like about them. The title made me want to read it because it is so mysterious.


12 Sep

Whats up wit da whats up #imdagreatestbloggerrrindaworld